Thursday, February 6, 2014

Sochi residents react to changes brought by Olympics

Sochi is just about ready to roll, so with the eyes of the world on Russia, CCTV's Natalie Carney takes a look at how people living in the host city are reacting, as the Games take over their hometown.

Sun, sand and snow - greater Sochi is known as the unofficial summer capital of the country. The Olympic Village is located 40 kilometers south of the city, in the town of Adler, and people here have seen their small community transform into Russia's multi-billion dollar international showcase piece.

 "The feeling of the Olympics approaching is bringing out joyful emotions in me. I am really proud of our country, our city of Sochi, of the fact that we are the ones to have a chance to host the Games," Adler resident Dmitri said.

In the lead up to the Games, local businesses are thriving and some hotels have even doubled their room rates, as thousands of athletes, spectators and volunteers descend on this Black Sea resort city.

But not all is perfect. Some visitors are finding unfinished accommodations and infrastructure spoiling the town's image.

"I think that this has mostly to do with a lack of competence on the part of the contractors who started doing the work, and then the road started falling apart. Then it comes to money, and more money, and the road is still not there," Adler resident Sergi said.

Meanwhile the threat of a possible terrorist attack, prompting unprecedented security measures and could keep some spectators away. So while the Games must go on, many Russians are asking, "at what cost."

As the eyes of the world focus on the opulent showcase Sochi will offer, Russians are focusing on the efficiency of government expenditures in creating the most expensive Olympics to date.

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