Saturday, January 17, 2015

President Jonathan is "Irresponsible" says Julius Malema

 Speaking at a press briefing " Mr Julius Malema mocked Mr. Jonathan using his first name, Goodluck. “Eh Goodlook, or Goodluck or whatever his name is or badluck I don’t know …He is quick to release statement about the killing in Paris; but don’t (doesn’t) say anything about the killings in his own country. That’s an irresponsible leadership,” Mr. Malema said. “We are really saddened by what is happening in Nigeria. It is highly disturbing.

South Africa’s eccentric youth leader and federal lawmaker, Julius Malema, has launched a blistering attack on President Goodluck Jonathan over his handling of the massacre in Baga, Borno State, describing the Nigerian president as “irresponsible” and suggesting South African intervention against the extremist Boko Haram sect.
Mr. Malema, who leads the Economic Freedom Fighters Party, criticised Mr. Jonathan for rushing out public condemnations of the terrorist attack on a newspaper in France when he has remained silent until date on the bloodbath in Baga, a troubled town in his own country.

Abducted Chinese boy; After 24 years apart reunited with family

Hong Kong - A Chinese man has been reunited with his father 24 years after he was abducted as a toddler from a vegetable market.
In 1991, 4-year-old Sun Bin was taken by child traffickers from his hometown in Sichuan province and sold to a family thousands of miles away, in Jiangsu province on the country's eastern coast, Chinese state media reported.
Sun Bin when he was four with his father.
Sun Bin when he was four with his father.
On Tuesday, Sun was finally reacquainted with his 60-year-old father, Sun Youhong, and a younger sister he had never met. The moment was captured in a moving series of photographs.
"I was happy. I was grateful," the father said. "But I was also bitter."
Child trafficking is still a major business in China, as traffickers seek to profit off a growing demand for healthy babies from potential adoptive parents in China and elsewhere.
Boys, prized because they carry on the family line, are in great demand and fetch higher prices.
Earlier this week, Chinese police said they had rescued 37 newborn babies after busting a trafficking ring that sold the babies for up $13,000 each. 

Your Health and You; Contents found in a Can Drink

One can never be too careful but they say the words you hear putting them into action can #SAVE life.
Mr Rekeya heard the Safety Lecture on a Friday morning but never knew it will come handy the next day. On Saturday, he went out with his friends to a relaxation bar and requested for a cold drink but funny enough he just opened the drink without the use of a drinking glass (which most of us do) but after the first sip, the Safety Lecture came back to him, GUESS WHAT! this is what he finds

Friday, January 16, 2015

How men and women experience depression differently

Depressive disorders are a complex and often confusing family of conditions. Sometimes lumped under the general term “depression,” these disorders can cause any combination of several symptoms. Because of this, depressive disorders manifest in a variety of ways, making them sometimes difficult to diagnose.
READ MORE: How to Save on Common Depression Prescriptions

Older Diabetics may be at Risk for Pushing Blood Sugar too low

Older diabetics may sometimes do too good a job at keeping their blood sugar down, according to a new study.
Regardless of age, people with diabetes are taught to keep their blood sugar below certain target levels. But many diabetics over 65 who have other health concerns may be at risk for pushing it too low, according to a new study.
Particularly for older adults with multiple serious illnesses and functional limitations, the risks of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia, may outweigh the benefits of tight blood sugar control, the authors write.